What is pH balancing?

pH Balancing

Tap water should usually measure around a 7, or neutral, on the pH scale of 0 to 14 – not too basic and not acidic. Neutral tap water generally has a better taste and keeps plumbing running smoothly. If it is especially acidic or alkaline, a filter or water injector can help balance tap water pH.

Water with a slightly acidic pH level of less than 6.5 may contain elevated levels of iron, manganese and other toxic metals. Water at this level or below is considered soft and could break down metal pipework and could lead to leaching metals from the pipes into your water supply.

Acidic water carries an unpleasant sour or metallic taste and may leave blue coloured stains on equipment. Overly alkaline water, which measures greater than an 8, can taste bitter and will corrode pipework. Hard water is not unsafe to drink but can form deposits on dishes and make it hard to lather soap when washing.

The pH level of tap water is mainly by the source of the water and the type of minerals found locally. Pollution and acid rain can also affect the pH of water. Measuring pH of water can be done using litmus paper drop test by dropping a bit of water onto it and observing the colour change to indicate the pH value. Drinking water is normally between 6 and 8.5 on the pH scale.

pH Balancing can be achieved by fitting filters at the water source into a building. A neutralising water filter balances the water by moving the water through a system and passing it through a filter containing a neutralising substance. When the pH is greater than 6, calcium carbonate is used to treat the water and bring it up closer to 7. Synthetic magnesium oxide neutralises water with a pH lower than 6.

Products using pH balancing


Improve the quality and taste of coffee and hot beverages whist being more ECO friendly. The iX CAFE ecofilter saves money and keep you green. Specially formulated to reduce scale and provide superior taste, aroma and crema for outstanding results.

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